Many of us, keep dreaming about a good Job, a good home, good bank balance etc, but they just dream and forget it, because they dream for so many things together, they cannot even recall them at times.
In particular, we can claim that these as "fleeting thoughts." They are unable to decide what is that they truly really want, and hence can never commit heartily to get it.

Try these 9 Simple Goal-Setting Steps to Crack any Exam!

Goal setting is a prerequisite for your private and professional development, this is also equally important for improving students who are preparing for competitive examination.
The procedure of setting goals helps one in choosing, where he/she wants yourself to be in life.
By knowing what you truly want to achieve, what do you want to do, where you want to go, you can plan in a better manner, you will also utilize your energy accordingly.
Moreover, a properly set goal motivates you, and as you get into the habit of setting targets and achieving them, you will soon realise that you are more confident now.
The great Aristotle once said "First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the means to achieve your goals; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that goal"
Here are the following steps that you can practice to achieve your goal:

Step 1: Choose your goal and stay focused

You may have so many goals when choosing a goal, you must prioritize them.
Take a piece of paper and a pen, write down all the Goals you have and see which is the most important goal and start with that. One thing to keep in mind is, don’t set a lot of goals at the same time, as you will not be able to focus on a particular Goal and ultimately won’t be able to achieve any of them completely. 
Staying focused is the key to goal setting. With a high number of goals it is not easy to focus, as easy you might be thinking it to be.

Step 2: Desire is a must to Achieve your Goal

Desire, that's what keeps us all hours working. It's a desire to keep us thinking, keep us busy doing things, keep us working every day from 8 am to 10 pm. You can imagine it as fuels that ignite us from within to do something we want.
Take a minute and think about your objective and ask yourself, "How dedicated are you to accomplish this objective?"Found a reply? Ask next question "During the process of attaining your objective, will you ever give up?"
You are right if you won’t give up if you are truly committed. A true desire is a must to accomplish whatever you want in life.

Step 3: Develop Self-Belief

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”, if you observe this line, you will understand that, if you conceive and believe, you can achieve what you put your mind to. Even if there is a fraction of doubt in your mind that you cannot achieve a particular thing you won't be able to achieve it due to self-doubt. In order to achieve, you must believe that it is possible for you to achieve that goal.

Step 4: Set deadlines to Achieve Your Goal

Having a deadline helps you manage your time, energy, effort and concentration. When you have deadlines set for yourself to finish a particular task, you will see the rate of completion is very fast and accurate.
Let's take the following two situations:
Situation 1:
You have been assigned a task and there is no deadline to complete it. Situation 2:
The same job is assigned to you but with a set deadline.
It's human nature, you won't dare to waste any resources when you have a feeling of urgency and bring your best foot forward with a systematic plan to finish the task within time.
A deadline can always motivate you to take the necessary actions to achieve the task /job assigned.
Hence it is needless to say that you would have finished the second job at a faster rate then the first job.

Step 5: See your goals with open eyes

Right now, your goal might be just a thought, whenever you sit and close your eyes you can see it, you can imagine it, you can feel it.
But from now on, see your goals with open eyes. Open eyes? that right, open eyes. I want you to see your goals with open eyes. Write down your goals on a piece paper and read it, see it, imagine it.
When you learned your first rhyme in the nursery class, you used to read and re-read the lines. The impression on the mind became deeper and deeper with each time you recited. Due to this, the chances of forgetting became less. So kindly write it down on a document and maintain it on your table, or somewhere you can read readily and frequently, to remember and feel your goal.

Step 6: Identify the obstacles & roadblocks on the way

After a clear picture of the goal and the milestones, something else is of utmost importance. Guess!! You are correct, the obstacles. Obstacles are bound to be there when it comes to achieving your goal. So you have to identify them and make a note of them.
When you have figured out the Obstacles are in the path of achieving your Goals, it will help you to make a proper action plan to achieve your milestones and remove the roadblocks.

Step 7: Identify the Resources that you have

Now after identifying the obstacles on the way to your goal, you have to find the resources you need and the resources you already have.
Identification of resources is very important, as you will need them during the completion of your goals.

Step 8: Define the Milestones on the way to your goals

Most of us, do not achieve our goals, because sometimes it appears overwhelming when we see it. It’s always a best practice to divide your goal into milestones. When we have a big task, divide it into smaller tasks, now try finishing it. It becomes easier. Hence Milestones are easier to achieve and also reflects our progress. When you see your progress in the task, you find more interest in going ahead and completing the next milestone.

Step 9: Define smaller tasks to complete Milestones

We are now making the actual action plan to attain our ultimate objective. To do this, let's split the milestones into tasks that are easy to accomplish. The idea of dividing milestones into smaller tasks is just for the ease of action & execution.
Make a list of all the tasks, even those which you think can be completed in minutes. While working with a plan and for a scheduled task, every minute counts.
Now when you have incorporated each and every task, you have to set deadlines as to when each task should be completed.
Now sort these tasks in the order of date of completion, importance and ease of the task. Once sorted, start finishing the tasks and mark each task in the list as completed with date of completion for your reference & analysis.
Once the task is done, mark them as complete and mention the date of completion.
Make an extra column for the time gap. Time gape would represent when you were supposed to finish the task and when you have actually finished it. Now highlight completed task with different colour, so that you can feel; out of so many tasks only these many have been completed and as you progress, you will see the increase in the number of completed tasks. This task list is going to help you monitor your progress. Whenever you will have a look on this list, it will motivate you to move ahead and complete the rest of the tasks. Once you completed all your tasks, you achieved your Milestone.
You can also reward yourself after completing each task so that you keep moving forward.
Keep on completing your milestones and at last, reach your ultimate objective.


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